Gardens need not be ugly, they can be sophisticated places of beauty. Tight weedwhacker string pulled tight and anchored at each end for straight rows Slow release fertilizer in a bucket for ease of use. This is a must. Do not bother having a garden if you don’t feed the plants. You need the right amount of your most used veggies. Plan well on this step! Line plants up along the string for reduced toil! Dig hole with your bare hands. If you need a tool your soil “ain’t prepared right!” If you need to work to dig your holes, your garden will fail. Put the RIGHT amount of food in the hole BEFORE the plant is put in. Stir it up a bit in the soil. Space the plants at the proper intervals. Don’t put ‘em too close- BIG MISTAKE! Plant them straight! For stuff like onions, just dig a trench. Put food in, put plants in, then get down on hands and knees and plant n scoot backwards. Plant n scoot. Plant n scoot. Efficiency in toil is great for the brain too. Order in agriculture is pleasing to the eye. Sobriety does not guarantee order. Tomatoes get planted deep due to their unique ability to produce roots on their stems. They also get 50% more food. Space them intelligently or you will have a hot mess on your hands!!! Use your head to space tomatoes. Grab a shovel or a stick to get em spaced properly. Too close=sloppy horrible situation.
July 2023
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